ArticlesCele două aduc practic în dialog o comunitate de cărți cu o comunitate de oameni interesați de voci puternice, care recuperează perspective contemporane semnificative, dintre care unele așa-zis marginale sau altele clasice, pe care le pun într-o nouă lumină. Au traduceri de texte câștigătoare de premii literare dintre cele mai prestigioase și texte contemporane din zona eseisticii românești sub forma unor antologii cu dedicație.
Teach with Dave Masterclass – Session 3 – Learning for life.
16th June, 4 p.m. Bucharest time.
The keys to preparing teens for life in and outside the classroom; how and why we should teach Life Skills, Thinking Skills, and Social and Emotional Learning.
Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling
Thursday, 10th June 2021
Choose one of the sessions – 12:00-13:00/17:00-18:00/23:30-24:30 EET
In this webinar, Rhona Snelling explores the meaning and role of motivation in the young adult/adult language classroom, and the positives of teaching online. This interactive webinar will discuss useful points to remember and present practical classroom activities and ideas.
3rd June 2021 – time: 17.00-18.00 EET.
If you have questions about the Cambridge B2 First exam, you might find the answers you need in this one-hour question and answer session with Roy Norris, author of Ready for B2 First 4th edition and Straight to First.
Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE, with co-authors Sue Lloyd & Sara Wernham
Get Started with Jolly Phonics – 25th May / 22nd June /13th July 2021
Extending Jolly Phonics through KS1 – 27th May / 24th June / 15th July 2021
So much more than just letters and sounds! Jolly Phonics is a fun and affordable phonics programme that’s easy to implement in the classroom and can grow with your children as they progress through their school years.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 4:00 PM (EET).
This session will investigate both the positive and negative impact that exams can have on our students and then go on to explore ways to help them to pass their exams with flying colours whilst remaining positive and motivated, and avoiding exam ‘tunnel vision’.