
Cinefemina sau Cinema la puterea feminin

Cinefemina sau Cinema la puterea feminin

Multă vreme, lumea a fost privită — și creată — de privirea bărbaților. EUNIC Romania propune o schimbare de perspectivă și vă invită să priviți prin ochii femeilor, mai precis prin lentila camerei de filmat și prin realizările unor regizoare, scenariste și producătoare de seamă, care au marcat industria cinematografică.[mai mult...]
Cărturești Verona: Librăria anului la Târgul de carte de la Londra

Cărturești Verona: Librăria anului la Târgul de carte de la Londra

Cărturești Verona, cea mai mare librărie din România și unul dintre reperele culturale ale Bucureștiului, a câștigat pe 1 iunie la Londra premiul pentru Librăria Anului în cadrul London Book Fair International Excellence Awards. Pe lista câștigătorilor anteriori ai prestigiosului premiu sunt librării iconice precum lanțul Readings din Australia, Shakespeare[mai mult...]
Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling

Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling

Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling
Thursday, 10th June 2021
Choose one of the sessions – 12:00-13:00/17:00-18:00/23:30-24:30 EET
In this webinar, Rhona Snelling explores the meaning and role of motivation in the young adult/adult language classroom, and the positives of teaching online. This interactive webinar will discuss useful points to remember and present practical classroom activities and ideas.

Roy Norris – Getting Ready for B2 First

Roy Norris – Getting Ready for B2 First

3rd June 2021 – time: 17.00-18.00 EET.
If you have questions about the Cambridge B2 First exam, you might find the answers you need in this one-hour question and answer session with Roy Norris, author of Ready for B2 First 4th edition and Straight to First.

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE – May, June, July 2021

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE – May, June, July 2021

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE, with co-authors Sue Lloyd & Sara Wernham
Get Started with Jolly Phonics – 25th May / 22nd June /13th July 2021
Extending Jolly Phonics through KS1 – 27th May / 24th June / 15th July 2021
So much more than just letters and sounds! Jolly Phonics is a fun and affordable phonics programme that’s easy to implement in the classroom and can grow with your children as they progress through their school years.

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

It’s Time to Take Action!
Over the past few months you, our fellow teachers, have sent us questions, thoughts or topics that matter to you. On 10/5/2021, we will deliver our last MM Conversations, once again sharing opinions with educators from around the world. But this time, it will be done with a twist! As Mark Twain once wrote: “Action speaks louder than words… but not nearly as often.”

Teach with Dave Masterclass – Session 1

Teach with Dave Masterclass – Session 1

Watch the recording of Session 1!
In Session 1 we provide you with a set of materials created by Dave Spencer and Anna Hasper. These materials are designed to help you to make the most of the programme and to try and test the ideas from the webinars with your students.