
Back to School: How to Assess Project Work


You can watch the webinar below:

Assessing project work can be a difficult process when teaching in-person lessons, but it can be especially difficult when we are teaching in a virtual environment.
How can we ensure that the outcomes of project work, as well as the skills needed to successfully engage in these types of tasks, are meaningfully assessed, online and offline?

This webinar aims to explore the outcomes and skills we can assess during project work as well as the practicalities of how we can do this in our various settings. Participants will be provided with solutions and suggestions that they can take back to their schools and use with their own students.

Meet the speaker:

Joanne Mitten has worked in both the UK Post Primary Sector (English Literature Teacher) and the Irish English Language Teaching sector since 2009. As part of her current role with ATC Language Schools, Joanne has developed extensive young learner syllabi and short courses and she has delivered training on materials writing, pastoral care and the practicalities of overhauling academic programmes. In addition to this, she has delivered face-to-face and online training in the areas of Special Educational Needs in Young Learners, Assessment for Learning, Planning for Differentiation and Using Media Effectively in Lessons.

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