Tag Archives: ELT

Assessment for Life – with Macmillan Education

Assessment for Life – with Macmillan Education

Free webinar on Wednesday, 22nd May for all English teachers – from 13.00, 16.00, or 23.30 EET.
Join Macmillan’s 3-session event to explore assessment in English language learning from three unique perspectives: early years, in-course evaluation, and graduation milestones.

Global Teachers’ Festival 2024 – Macmillan Education

Global Teachers’ Festival 2024 – Macmillan Education

February 19th to 1st March 2024.
Join the two weeks festival of talks on subjects like: how second languages shape how we think, the future of grammar instruction, hands-on with ChatGPT, involving parents, tackling bullying, igniting communicative practice, empowering emotional expression, and loads and loads more!

Macmillan Education Winter Fair 2023 – on the 12th December

Macmillan Education Winter Fair 2023 – on the 12th December

The event will take place live 3 times on Tuesday 12th December at 12:00, 16:00 and 00:30pm EET.
Join David Crystal, Ben Crystal and Chia Suan Chong for a 2-part event (90 minutes) that looks at what books have influenced English, how it is performed and how ancient teaching approaches can be brought back to life!