

Câștigă timpul de partea ta și fii la curent cu cele mai interesante evenimente Cărturești care au loc în București. Lansări de carte, ateliere creative, spectacole interactive și multe alte activități care îți îmbogățesc sufletul și mintea.

Jeff Kuhn – Level Up Your Teaching with Digital Gaming

Jeff Kuhn – Level Up Your Teaching with Digital Gaming

25th May 2021 (from 13:00-14:00 or 17:00-18:00 EET).
In this webinar we will explore games not only as software, but as a literacy. By examining games as a literacy, we can better begin to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a classroom tool and how best to use them in our teaching practice.

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

It’s Time to Take Action!
Over the past few months you, our fellow teachers, have sent us questions, thoughts or topics that matter to you. On 10/5/2021, we will deliver our last MM Conversations, once again sharing opinions with educators from around the world. But this time, it will be done with a twist! As Mark Twain once wrote: “Action speaks louder than words… but not nearly as often.”

Teach with Dave Masterclass – Session 1

Teach with Dave Masterclass – Session 1

Watch the recording of Session 1!
In Session 1 we provide you with a set of materials created by Dave Spencer and Anna Hasper. These materials are designed to help you to make the most of the programme and to try and test the ideas from the webinars with your students.

Carol Read – An Essential Guide to Teaching Preschool Children

Carol Read – An Essential Guide to Teaching Preschool Children

6 May 2021 – 16:00-17:00 EET
In this informal interview, Carol will draw on her many years’ experience as a pre-school teacher and coursebook writer to discuss how to teach very young children successfully. Key issues addressed will include the role of stories, the importance of social and emotional learning, how to incorporate the development of creative and critical thinking, and how to manage classes of very young children effectively. You’ll have a chance to put some of your own questions to Carol too.

AntiDot – Alexandra Ușurelu

AntiDot – Alexandra Ușurelu

AntiDot. Punct și de la Capăt în Creativitate este un proiect editorial @Alisa Tarciniu despre elementele, secretele sau obiceiurile unei vieți creative. Întâlnirea de sâmbătă, 24 aprilie, ora 19:00 o are invitată pe artista Alexandra Ușurelu. Evenimentul va fi transmis LIVE pe pagina de Facebook Cărturești. Alexandra Ușurelu este artista[mai mult...]