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🐝Jolly Saturday Talks – The Journey of Teaching Reading and Writing (from early years throughout primary school)

Jolly Saturday Talks

A good education can change anyone, a good teacher can change everything!

Are you interested in playing an active role in teaching your kids to read and write using modern ESL/EFL methodology? Keen to upgrade your teaching skills and to help your students achieve better English literacy results while having fun?

Join our Jolly Saturday Talks:

“The Journey of Teaching Reading and Writing (from early years throughout primary school)”

– 8 workshops taking place monthly from October 2024 until May 2025

The monthly workshops will provide extensive training in introducing reading and writing in English, using a phonics approach. Useful tips and strategies will be discussed to help young children excel in spelling and pronunciation.

Experienced phonics teachers and international trainers are expected to share their good practices every month, whereas participating teachers are more than welcome to reveal their teaching repertoire. As a follow-up of each workshop, teachers will be suggested relevant bibliography (articles, blogs, case-studies etc), webinars and additional resources for a truly valuable professional development experience.

Those visionary schools in Romania that have already been implementing phonics have the chance NOW to equip their teachers with new teaching techniques that would help them tackle problematic aspects in their teaching.

Those ambitious schools that are considering introducing a phonetic approach to reading and writing in English have the chance to see the essential principles of this methodology at work, as well as a plethora of classroom activities that would make the teaching more sticky for students and more rewarding for  teachers.

So, GREAT for both experienced, as well as for new comers to the realm of PHONICS, already assessed by the British Department of Education as being the ONLY efficient and valuable way to teach reading and writing in English.

By following a phonics curriculum in your school, your students will be able to:

·         Read early, which will lead to exceptional performance in academics

·         Write independently and spell accurately

·         Understand how the code of the English language works

About the Speaker:

Silvana Serbanescu

The workshops will be conducted by Mrs. Silvana Serbanescu, a Jolly Learning official trainer and Trainer Consultant, who has mentored over 2000 teachers in Romania and the Republic of Moldova since 2014.



(alterations may occur to these topics, due to participants’ leading interests)


Price for single workshop:  250 RON

Price for a workshop based on year-round subscription: 200 RON

* 50% discount for a second teacher coming from the same educational unit

To register, please contact:

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