

Câștigă timpul de partea ta și fii la curent cu cele mai interesante evenimente Cărturești care au loc în București. Lansări de carte, ateliere creative, spectacole interactive și multe alte activități care îți îmbogățesc sufletul și mintea.

Online & live: Dinu Guțu despre romanul Perestroika Boys

Online & live: Dinu Guțu despre romanul Perestroika Boys

Luni, 26 aprilie, începînd cu ora 19.00, pe paginile de Facebook Cărturești și Polirom vă așteptăm cu lansarea romanului Perestroika Boys de Dinu Guțu, recent apărut în colecția „Ego. Proză” a Editurii Polirom. Invitați, alături de autor: Moni Stănilă, Costi Rogozanu, Andrei Lutenco. Despre carte „Probabil cel mai amplu tablou[mai mult...]
HiStories: where historians & their stories meet

HiStories: where historians & their stories meet

 Editura Trei și librăriile Cărturești dau startul la o serie de întâlniri prin intermediul cărora puteți redescoperi istoria. Din 21 până în 23 aprilie, petreceți fiecare seară alături de autorii Paul Strathern, Serhii Plokhy și Mary Beard, printre povești despre lumi uneori fascinante, alteori dramatice și despre procesul de creație[mai mult...]
Primary Geography: A Toolkit for the Future

Primary Geography: A Toolkit for the Future

Tuesday 20th April 2021 –
Have you ever wondered why primary geography matters and what we should be teaching our children? In this webinar the author Stephen Scoffham will discuss how to bring the fun of geography to your classroom.

Connect learning for school and home with eduu.school – Hodder Education

Connect learning for school and home with eduu.school – Hodder Education

Free Webinar on 21 April – Your flexible online learning platform for key stages 1-4, from Hodder Education.
However and wherever you’re teaching, eduu.school helps you to deliver the curriculum by connecting over 3,000 hours of lessons centred on a key topic or theme with integrated mental health and wellbeing support, resources for learning with the family and ongoing teacher training.
Join us for a short 30-45 minute intro to eduu.school and learn just how easy it is to deliver the full curriculum, or pick and choose resources to mix with your current plans.

Black Cat Webinars – Bring Great Stories to Your English Class

Black Cat Webinars – Bring Great Stories to Your English Class

April 2021 Black Cat Webinars – Bring Great Stories to Your English Class. Subscribe to these FREE WEBINARS to find out how to make your English lesson fun, entertaining and effective. By participating to each session, you will get a 30-days FREE access to the three DIGITAL BOOKS used during the training session. Topics and trainers: Storytelling and brain chemistry – with Katie Poitevin; Travel with a book. Next destination: Fluent English – with Verissimo Toste; Make your lesson CATchy with Social Media – with Samuel John Williams.

Exams Catch Up – Official Cambridge Exam Preparation

Exams Catch Up – Official Cambridge Exam Preparation

24+31 March, 14+21+28 April, 5 May – Must-watch webinars streaming live or on demand to get us back into the exams mindset. Catch up with expert trainers as they jump into these themes and more! Essential viewing for exam teachers. Certificates are issued for attendance of each webinar in the series.

Teach with Dave Masterclass

Teach with Dave Masterclass

14April, 12May, 16June 2021 – Join the exclusive teacher development programme created by a world-leading teacher trainer and teacher of teenagers, Dave Spencer. Take part in 3 tailor-made sessions and receive loads of great ideas and inspiration on how to teach teenage students in a motivating, modern and effective way.
The participation in the Teach with Masterclass is completely free, so don’t wait any longer!

Carol Read – Wonderful! Really? The role of praise in teaching children

Carol Read – Wonderful! Really? The role of praise in teaching children

15 April 2021 – from 13:00 EET or 17:00 EET
Carol Read – International ELT author, teacher trainer and educational consultant
This practical webinar examines the role of praise when working with children. It exposes the pitfalls of praise and suggests when and how to use praise effectively to develop children’s positive self-beliefs and to manage your classes successfully.