Carol Read – Wonderful! Really? The role of praise in teaching children
Have you missed Carol’s webinar? Don’t worry, you can still watch it HERE.
15 April 2021 – from 13:00 EET or 17:00 EET
Speaker: Macmillan author Carol Read
Register here
Most of us as educators, and also as parents, agree that praise can help to develop children’s motivation and self-esteem. But does this mean the more praise children receive the better?
This practical webinar examines the role of praise when working with children. It exposes the pitfalls of praise and suggests when and how to use praise effectively to develop children’s positive self-beliefs and to manage your classes successfully.

Carol Read has over 30 years’ experience in ELT as a teacher, teacher trainer, academic manager, materials writer and educational consultant. Her main specialization is in early years and primary English language education.
Carol’s publications include award-winning titles such as 500 Activities in the Primary Classroom and Tiger Time. Her latest publication is a new, global pre-school course Mimi’s Wheel.
Carol is a former President of IATEFL. You can find out more about Carol by visiting
Buy Carol Read’s ELT courses here.
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