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Augmented eternity
Sau când știi că cineva e bun, nu-l lași să-ți scape nici mort.
And what would the digital “you” look like? Well, what do you want it to look like? It might be a text-based chatbot like the CEO’s or an audio voice like Siri or a digitally edited video or a 3-D animated character in a virtual-reality environment. It might be embedded in a humanoid robot.
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastră?
So I feel like we’re in this weird bubble where a lot of personal finance advice is centered around tiny expenses, like coffee, snacks, occasional lunches or other small indulges. I hate it! Those are usually the things that make life worth living! So I’ll start with the question we’re all wondering: Will skipping coffee make me a millionaire?
Cum se răcoreau oamenii înainte?
Moartea romanului? Spoiler alert!
Provocările de lectură – la mijlocul drumului
Give poetry a chance…
Ca un argument în sprijinul acestui îndemn, reluăm aici două linkuri pe care le-am pus în edițiile anterioare din #BROWSERCarturesti.
No. 1 „Dispel the notion that reading poetry is going to dramatically change your life. Your life is continually changing; most of the time you’re simply too busy to pay enough attention to it. Poems ask you to pay attention—that’s all.”
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